Extbase Variable Dump
C3\References\Domain\Model\Referencesprototypepersistent entity (uid=1859, pid=15)
   referencesType => protected1 (integer)
   title => protected'The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis' (38 chars)
   backgroundImage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=180071, pid=15)
      uidLocal => protected3000 (integer)
      originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject
         propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(31 items)
            uid => 180071 (integer)
            pid => 15 (integer)
            tstamp => 1707124989 (integer)
            crdate => 1699435032 (integer)
            cruser_id => 12 (integer)
            deleted => 0 (integer)
            hidden => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
            t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
            sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
            l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
            l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars)
            uid_local => 3000 (integer)
            uid_foreign => 1859 (integer)
            tablenames => 'tx_references_domain_model_references' (37 chars)
            fieldname => 'background_image' (16 chars)
            sorting_foreign => 1 (integer)
            table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars)
            title => NULL
            description => NULL
            alternative => 'The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis' (38 chars)
            link => '' (0 chars)
            crop => '{"predefinedCrop":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRa
' (105 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL showinpreview => 0 (integer)
name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 3000 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/referenzen/Europa/Bulgarien/The_Bishop_s_Basilica/The_Bishop_s_
' (100 chars) identifier_hash => '394e7bd2c41df6c9c4a8fe6ce8831d97214af452' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_LAMBERTS_01.jpg' (37 chars) sha1 => 'a16ce333cc6fc230aabed65bc15637a63587fde5' (40 chars) size => 1922708 (integer) creation_date => 1655796428 (integer) modification_date => 1655796428 (integer) folder_hash => 'b9317b8b47a1bb6539a3abb26a9830ca2c0ddb0f' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobject driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobject absoluteBasePath => protected'/kunden/homepages/7/d15944804/htdocs/update2023/fileadmin/' (58 chars) supportedHashAlgorithms => protectedarray(2 items) 0 => 'sha1' (4 chars) 1 => 'md5' (3 chars) baseUri => protected'fileadmin/' (10 chars) mappingFolderNameToRole => protectedarray(3 items) _recycler_ => 'recycler' (8 chars) _temp_ => 'temporary' (9 chars) user_upload => 'userupload' (10 chars) capabilities => protected15 (integer) storageUid => protected1 (integer) configuration => protectedarray(3 items) basePath => 'fileadmin/' (10 chars) pathType => 'relative' (8 chars) caseSensitive => '1' (1 chars) storageRecord => protectedarray(17 items) uid => 1 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) tstamp => 1527256724 (integer) crdate => 1527256724 (integer) cruser_id => 0 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) name => 'fileadmin/ (auto-created)' (25 chars) description => 'This is the local fileadmin/ directory. This storage mount has been created
                     automatically by TYPO3.
' (99 chars) driver => 'Local' (5 chars) configuration => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?> <T3FlexForms> <
                     data> <sheet index="sDEF"> <language index="lDEF">
                      <field index="basePath"> <value index="vDEF">
                     fileadmin/</value> </field> <field index="pa
                     thType"> <value index="vDEF">relative</value>
                      </field> <field index="caseSensitive">
                      <value index="vDEF">1</value> </field> </la
                     nguage> </sheet> </data> </T3FlexForms>
' (583 chars) is_default => 1 (integer) is_browsable => 1 (integer) is_public => 1 (integer) is_writable => 1 (integer) is_online => 1 (integer) auto_extract_metadata => 1 (integer) processingfolder => NULL
configuration => protectedarray(3 items) basePath => 'fileadmin/' (10 chars) pathType => 'relative' (8 chars) caseSensitive => '1' (1 chars) fileProcessingService => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Service\FileProcessingServiceprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above driver => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Driver\LocalDriverprototypeobjectsee above eventDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher\EventDispatchersingletonobject listenerProvider => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher\ListenerProviderprototypeobjectmax depth evaluatePermissions => protectedFALSE fileMounts => protectedarray(empty) userPermissions => protectedarray(empty) capabilities => protected15 (integer) eventDispatcher => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\EventDispatcher\EventDispatchersingletonobjectsee above processingFolder => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobject storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/_processed_/' (13 chars) name => protected'_processed_' (11 chars) fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(empty) processingFolders => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Folderprototypeobjectsee above isOnline => protectedTRUE isDefault => protectedTRUE fileAndFolderNameFilters => protectedarray(1 item) 0 => array(2 items) 0 => 'TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Filter\FileNameFilter' (45 chars) 1 => 'filterHiddenFilesAndFolders' (27 chars)
identifier => protected'/user_upload/referenzen/Europa/Bulgarien/The_Bishop_s_Basilica/The_Bishop_s_
' (100 chars) name => protected'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_LAMBERTS_01.jpg' (37 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
modified uid => protected180071 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180071 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180071 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer)
documents => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) country => protected'Bulgarien' (9 chars) new => protected0 (integer) hideOnDefaultLocation => protected0 (integer) hideOnDefaultCategory => protected0 (integer) city => protected'Plowdiw' (7 chars) architect => protected'Zoom Studio, Sofia - Bulgarien' (30 chars) description => protected'LINIT®EcoGlass P 26/60/7, 504, TH (thermisch vorgespannt, Heat-Soak-Test)' (74 chars) photograph => protected'Anthony Georgieff' (17 chars) awards => protected'' (0 chars) additionalDescription => protected'' (0 chars) location => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000043d33d580000000048bb2ee8 => C3\References\Domain\Model\Locationprototypepersistent entity (uid=191, pid=16) title => protected'Bulgarien' (9 chars) uid => protected191 (integer) _localizedUid => protected191 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected191 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) gallery => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (12 items) 0000000043d33c930000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=180072, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2995 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(31 items) uid => 180072 (integer) pid => 15 (integer) tstamp => 1707124989 (integer) crdate => 1699435032 (integer) cruser_id => 12 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => 2995 (integer) uid_foreign => 1859 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_references_domain_model_references' (37 chars) fieldname => 'gallery' (7 chars) sorting_foreign => 1 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => 'The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis' (38 chars) link => '' (0 chars) crop => '{"4:3":{"cropArea":{"x":0,"y":0,"width":1,"height":1},"selectedRatio":"NaN",
' (187 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL showinpreview => 0 (integer)
name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 2995 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '2' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/referenzen/Europa/Bulgarien/The_Bishop_s_Basilica/The_Bishop_s_
' (100 chars) identifier_hash => 'd01442f0b03b1a148aad65a3f2bb1a6507ebf9d1' (40 chars) extension => 'jpg' (3 chars) mime_type => 'image/jpeg' (10 chars) name => 'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_LAMBERTS_02.jpg' (37 chars) sha1 => 'bbbc6a25f9c02bf924c77d6dc2fa8e4ec0917e46' (40 chars) size => 2098580 (integer) creation_date => 1655796427 (integer) modification_date => 1655796427 (integer) folder_hash => 'b9317b8b47a1bb6539a3abb26a9830ca2c0ddb0f' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/user_upload/referenzen/Europa/Bulgarien/The_Bishop_s_Basilica/The_Bishop_s_
' (100 chars) name => protected'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_LAMBERTS_02.jpg' (37 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
modified uid => protected180072 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180072 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180072 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer)
0000000043d33c920000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypemodified entity (uid=180073, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3132 (integer) originalResource => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReferenceprototypeobject propertiesOfFileReference => protectedarray(31 items) uid => 180073 (integer) pid => 15 (integer) tstamp => 1707124989 (integer) crdate => 1699435032 (integer) cruser_id => 12 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) t3ver_oid => 0 (integer) t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer) t3ver_state => 0 (integer) t3ver_stage => 0 (integer) t3ver_count => 0 (integer) t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer) t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 0 (integer) l10n_parent => 0 (integer) l10n_diffsource => 'a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}' (21 chars) uid_local => 3132 (integer) uid_foreign => 1859 (integer) tablenames => 'tx_references_domain_model_references' (37 chars) fieldname => 'gallery' (7 chars) sorting_foreign => 2 (integer) table_local => 'sys_file' (8 chars) title => NULL description => NULL alternative => NULL link => '' (0 chars) crop => '' (0 chars) autoplay => 0 (integer) l10n_state => NULL showinpreview => 0 (integer) name => protectedNULL originalFile => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Fileprototypeobject updatedProperties => protectedarray(empty) metaDataAspect => privateNULL properties => protectedarray(15 items) uid => 3132 (integer) pid => 0 (integer) missing => 0 (integer) type => '4' (1 chars) storage => 1 (integer) identifier => '/user_upload/The_Bishop_s_Basilica_of_Philippopolis___Grand_opening___April_
' (92 chars) identifier_hash => '934eedc24e32fb74996fe649bf4f231283b730d5' (40 chars) extension => 'youtube' (7 chars) mime_type => 'video/youtube' (13 chars) name => 'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_of_Philippopolis___Grand_opening___April_18__2021.yout
' (79 chars) sha1 => '4e3b076c1df8f3a5bb66d186e5ae35c4c1d80230' (40 chars) size => 11 (integer) creation_date => 1669100236 (integer) modification_date => 1669100236 (integer) folder_hash => '19669f1e02c2f16705ec7587044c66443be70725' (40 chars)
storage => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorageprototypeobjectsee above identifier => protected'/user_upload/The_Bishop_s_Basilica_of_Philippopolis___Grand_opening___April_
' (92 chars) name => protected'The_Bishop_s_Basilica_of_Philippopolis___Grand_opening___April_18__2021.yout
' (79 chars) deleted => protectedFALSE
mergedProperties => protectedarray(empty)
modified uid => protected180073 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180073 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180073 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer)
0000000043d33c890000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180074, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3004 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180074 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180074 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180074 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c940000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180075, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2996 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180075 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180075 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180075 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c970000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180076, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2997 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180076 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180076 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180076 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c960000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180077, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2999 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180077 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180077 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180077 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33cb80000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180078, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3003 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180078 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180078 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180078 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c950000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180079, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3001 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180079 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180079 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180079 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33cbb0000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180080, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3002 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180080 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180080 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180080 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c880000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180081, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2998 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180081 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180081 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180081 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33c8b0000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180082, pid=15) uidLocal => protected2994 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180082 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180082 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180082 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer) 0000000043d33ce50000000048bb2ee8 => TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FileReferenceprototypepersistent entity (uid=180083, pid=15) uidLocal => protected3005 (integer) originalResource => protectedNULL uid => protected180083 (integer) _localizedUid => protected180083 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected180083 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer)
category => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (2 items) 0000000043d33c900000000048bb2ee8 => C3\References\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=3, pid=16) title => protected'Museum' (6 chars) sorting => protected5888 (integer) uid => protected3 (integer) _localizedUid => protected3 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected3 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) 0000000043d33c8a0000000048bb2ee8 => C3\References\Domain\Model\Categoryprototypepersistent entity (uid=149, pid=16) title => protected'Bauen im Bestand' (16 chars) sorting => protected1600 (integer) uid => protected149 (integer) _localizedUid => protected149 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected149 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) application => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000043d33cff0000000048bb2ee8 => C3\References\Domain\Model\Applicationprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=16) title => protected'vertikal' (8 chars) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) glass => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (1 items) 0000000043d33c200000000048bb2ee8 => C3\References\Domain\Model\Glassprototypepersistent entity (uid=1, pid=16) title => protected'LINIT U-Glas' (12 chars) uid => protected1 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1 (integer)modified pid => protected16 (integer) product => protectedTYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\ObjectStorageprototypeobject (empty) uid => protected1859 (integer) _localizedUid => protected1859 (integer)modified _languageUid => protected0 (integer)modified _versionedUid => protected1859 (integer)modified pid => protected15 (integer)
The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis, Plowdiw | Glasfabrik Lamberts
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The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis

Plowdiw, Bulgarien

ArchitektZoom Studio, Sofia - Bulgarien
ProdukteLINIT®EcoGlass P 26/60/7, 504, TH (thermisch vorgespannt, Heat-Soak-Test)
FotosAnthony Georgieff
The Bishop's Basilica of Philippopolis